Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A woman who can sell worms... is a force to be reckoned with!

There are times in my life that I feel like the three year old at Thanksgiving who gets pushed to the kids table, even though I see that the kitchen is on fire. I need to work at being more assertive, and confident in what I feel and how I portray it. I am looking forward to a few days at the holiday to regroup and remind myself that I am wonderful. Hello resolution!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

There is a reason I hate breakfast food...

One of our clients sent us a basket for Christmas, it has pancake batter, syrup, coffee, and jam. We thought it would be an amazing idea to make pancakes for the office this morning! This was only a good idea because I had less than 3 hours of sleep last night getting ready for our holiday party. Joanna, Kate, and I set up to make the worlds best breakfast for the group. Milk...check.... Eggs....check...butter..check....pan..check...pancakes that look like scrambled eggs and stick to the pan... CHECK! What a mess..but..not going to lie..kind of tasty!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Who needs sleep?

Long weekends are so nice!
Long nights are not so nice!

Went to bed about 11:30 last night only to wake up at 2 am. Did you know it is possible to sneeze in your sleep and wake yourself up? I didn't either. I tossed and turned for about two hours....thinking of the play....everything I have to get done this week before leaving for Chicago on Sunday....thought about Christmas shopping..having to go to the dentist because I chipped a tooth... I even tried to bore myself back to sleep thinking about what cleaning I need to get done. No luck! I got out of bed to watch some Dawson's Creek.... Arrived at work about 6:40...and now.. I'm tired...and have some virus thing...

Happy Monday. =)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Will it fan?

So....our office has this amazing game... WILL IT FAN?

We throw things like post its....silly string...and water bottles at our industrial strength explodes and we laugh..... watch the video...its all fun and games.. until someone...well me... gets smacked in the face with a water bottle traveling at 5 million miles per hour. Next time I'll duck!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fuck that noise...part two

I am SO glad I am back from vacation....

the first part was amazing....

then I spent a week in a bad country and western song....complete with spending several hours stranded on the side of the road with a broken car...which I have had for less than a year....and JUST put $400 into the week before we left....

I have never been so happy to get home.....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

New York State of Mind......

I am sitting in a fabulous B&B in south western New York......A fire going in the fireplace.....digesting the most AMAZING French food I have ever had.... celebrating Theresa's birthday..... Tomorrow we are going hiking to see some waterfalls at a near by state park....Monday we are going shopping...and heading to Columbus...from there we are going to Tennessee to see family.....

This vacation has had an amazing start.... it can only get better.....

Happy Birthday Theresa!!!

Oh, everyone send a few good thoughts our way..... I hope I will be able to explain why later this week....

Monday, November 5, 2007

Fuck that noise!

I can NOT wait for vacation next week.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a moose!!

Right before I left Diebold, ::and the angels sing from above:: my friend, Krista, and I wrote a children's book together about a little boy and his moose. Krista HATES her job and we have always joked around about getting it published. Today we sent it in to a couple of places. Now, we wait.

If all else fails, we are calling Oprah!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Just Put Your Lips Together and Blow!

Great news! I got a part in the show I auditioned for a couple of weeks ago. Not so great news! I have to whistle. I can't whistle, not even a little bit. Sage whistles all over the office, my mom could whistle so loudly I could hear her down the street when I was little. I can't whistle! When I was younger, I wanted to whistle, I would say the words "Wee-A-Weet" over and over and over again pretending that I could.

I wonder if they can get me a whistle stand-in for the show....hmmmmmmmm.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Things that put the hate in sick.....

We started "SageRock go home" at work two weeks ago. This gives the rest of the office the ability to tell someone to go home if they are sick and spreading germs around the office. You can probably determine from the cold I have this weekend....that this process does NOT work!

Today is the better of the two days.....and I have been on the couch watching a 7th Heaven marathon ... I hate 7th Heaven.
Making chicken noodle soup with celery.....I hate celery.

How can I lead Fluffy tomorrow? How can I be a WWII Lesbian at auditions tomorrow night? Did they have interns and puffs during the war?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Just call me...Dances with Snake!

After I got home today I changed into my work-out gear and headed outside, sans shoes, to visit with Theresa for a few minutes before working out. Theresa was working very hard on the wall sanding that has taken up a lot of her free time. We chatted for a bit, and I headed up the hill towards the deck, as I was about the start up the steps Theresa busts out laughing, I look at her like she has lost her mind. Apparently, a small snake had slithered onto my foot as I was walking, my foot was in the air, and the snake was holding on for dear life and finally landed safely without me even realizing it was there to begin with. Theresa was scared to say anything for fear I would scream, jump up and down, and crush the thing beneath my bare feet. She MIGHT just know me. From her vantage point the snake was TERRIFIED. Theresa found it so much!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Nothing... Nothing... tra la la!

Here is a basic rundown of the past few days....

1. Friday night dinner for Sage's birthday....quite fun...good food...good company... one "funny"
2. Saturday afternoon outing for Sage's birthday... I think I spent more time celebrating his
birthday this year than my own! It was a very nice afternoon.
3. Sunday was spent at the Cider Festival with my mother and Kate. Even though it was very
small we had a good time.
4. Some strange man was looking in windows at my house...I'm a little freaked out.
5. We moved the office around today.... I moved my "home" of a year and a a bigger area.
I think I may miss my spot though.
6. Overall mood today is stressed. I think I need an evening of hot tea and a good book!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What a difference a year makes....

Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of Theresa's truck accident. Today she is doing exactly what she was doing then; she is driving in the rain to recycle hazardous materials in Canton. I can't even begin to think of how different so many things would be if just one aspect of that day were different!

Please, take an extra minute to hug the people you love, or give a stranger a compliment!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Holidays!!!

This past weekend I was out shopping with Theresa, and we saw that the Christmas sections of stores are already out! It wasn't even fall yet!

Today I am trying to order holiday cards and gifts for our best clients.

People wonder why I hate Christmas, this is why! From Christmas in July to the after holiday sales, I eat, breathe, and shop the holidays for seven months. Nothing takes the taste out of fruitcake like too much Christmas.

It would be one thing if people adopted the "holiday spirit" along with the commercial aspects, but I think it makes them worse! I want life to be a Rosemary Clooney and Bing Crosby special, please!

All I can hear now is Kate singing the dreidel song while Nate spins in his chair......

Friday, September 21, 2007

Charter One: Not Your Typical Bank

You can say that again!! I realized this week that my debit card expires at the end of this month, and that I have not received a new one yet. Yesterday I called the bank, they reissued a new card, it will be here in 7-10 business days. Great, it will be here before the end of the month.

On my way home I stop at the gas station, and my debit card won't work, maybe the machine is down. Luckily I have cash on me, which almost NEVER happens. Today I try to order lunch, my card is declined. HMMMMM.....

Charter One has cancelled my current card as well as the card that was supposed to be at my house a couple of weeks ago.

I called back today, and Deb didn't seem too concerned.
Now.....I have to try to find time to go to the bank so I can try to figure out how much cash I will need over the next 7-10 business days.

This is like stubbing an already broken toe!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

On a Good Day.... I'm Bitter

I have no idea where this funk is coming from, but it needs to end.
Maybe it's that I'm busy, or can't find a second job. Maybe it's because I haven't seen my best friend in a couple of weeks. Maybe karma is kicking my butt for hitting that raccoon last week.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Shiver Me Timbers

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

Well, here at SageRock, we don't do anything half-way..........

I am going to have to walk the plank as soon as the rest of the office sees this post....arrrrrr!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mars is in retro-what?

Alexander Jenilee and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Week.
Why? No clue, but it seems to be a plague around the office.
I was listening to a random radio station this morning that had a psychic talking about Mars being in retrograde, whatever that means. She explained that this was causing the world to go crazy, and people should not make decisions about ending relationships or quitting jobs until this was resolved. I arrived at work before she told me when it would be over.

Until then, I have Starbucks, a coloring book, and enough work to keep me busy until the planets are aligned.