Sunday, October 7, 2007

Things that put the hate in sick.....

We started "SageRock go home" at work two weeks ago. This gives the rest of the office the ability to tell someone to go home if they are sick and spreading germs around the office. You can probably determine from the cold I have this weekend....that this process does NOT work!

Today is the better of the two days.....and I have been on the couch watching a 7th Heaven marathon ... I hate 7th Heaven.
Making chicken noodle soup with celery.....I hate celery.

How can I lead Fluffy tomorrow? How can I be a WWII Lesbian at auditions tomorrow night? Did they have interns and puffs during the war?


Rocky said...

Booo Snot! Sorry the sickly continue to slave away. I too am guilty. Are we all saving our sick days for Mono? Cancer? Ebola? Perhaps we are contagious before we feel like shit.

GoofyFurball said...

I hate 7th Heaven and Celery too. We're Best Friends now LOL. Feel better!