Thursday, January 17, 2008

Running the world isn't all it is cracked up to be...

Good morning exhausted!

My week has consisted of my first KNOW lunch as Hospitality chair....first Toastmasters' meeting as Club President.... several rehearsals...and a couple of extremely late nights out.... not to mention the crazy busyness that I am buried under at work. I still have to schedule the Hospice volunteers....a couple more rehearsals...a Toastmasters' training working out.

It is all worth it! I am meeting some amazing friends..they are the kind of people that I want in my life. I feel like I am actually contributing to the world around me.

Now, if I could just figure out how to add about 8 more hours to the day!

Have a great week everyone!


Anonymous said...

And you promised to see your mother atleast once a week. So yeah some more hours in your day would be nice.

Mark2112 said...

If you are running the world, can I give you my list of things I'd like to see happen?