Monday, September 14, 2009

A new blog.....really....

I know...I know... six months...

I have always been a fan of lists, but I now HAVE to make them to keep track of my crazy life. Purple note cards: school Pink:Toastmasters Green:work Blue:personal events.... These lists are keeping me sane! (the lists and erasable highlighters that is!)

So- in the spirit of is a list of the top ten observations I have made over the last month or so.

10. I have WAY more willpower than I ever thought that I did. I am finishing up a weight loss detox. It was NOT easy...but SO worth it. 25 lbs gone...and looking forward to doing it again in January.
9.Morals and ethics are NOT a prerequisite for being an adult....end of point.

8. I can ONLY keep my car OR my closet clean...not both at the same choose.

7. Math is one of those things you acquire a taste for as you get beets...or turnips.

6. Singing has become my safety net...I can sing any of my emotions now...and look forward to my lessons every week.

5. Having something to look forward to makes the mundane of day to day living okay. We are taking a trip to NYC in November, just three days, but three shows and lots of regrouping time.

4. Starbucks is STILL the perfect beginning...middle...or end to a day..reward...and comfort food.

3. I may not know what I want to be when I grow up...but I enjoy being an adult. I look at the kids in my them make excuses for not turning in their work....or for getting a failing grade....and know I was not meant to go to college right out of high school. I am getting so much more out of my classes now....except the intro to college class...I still think it is ridiculous that I have to take this class. I do NOT want to go to social events..learn how to make new professors...or figure out how to budget my time...thank you very much!

2. There are no substitutes for having class or being a good person.

1. My friends...both near and far.... are there no matter what happens.....and that is all I need.

I promise I will TRY to update this blog more..... I hope I still have a reader or two;)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lead Poisoning...and Being Old!

Not sure what Kate will die of first....shock of me posting another blog...or lead poisoning.....

A person's Golden or Grand Birthday, more commonly referred to as the "Star Birthday" occurs when they turn the age of their birth day.

This year is my Golden Birthday...I am turning 27 on the 27th. Know what? IT IS FREAKING ME OUT! Before anyone attacks me...I realize 27 is NOT old...But it is scary! When I was younger I had all of these grand ideas of what I would be and what I would have done by this point in my life..... I have done very little on that list..... Again..I know..."plenty of time" "enjoy what you have"....blah blah blah!

Let me enjoy the next 15 days of my mental breakdown...

Monday, March 9, 2009

The luck of the Irish!

I can NOT believe it has been so long since I last posted, I'm not sure anyone even checks this blog any longer!

So much has changed over the last eight months...

Most importantly...I have a new job. In this crazy economy you hear all of the horror experience was quite the opposite. I was laid off on December 1, December 3 I was employed by a health & wellness center as the Office/Marketing manager. It is such an amazing stress...a job where the office is actually helping people to live a healthier life. Who thinks that getting laid off is the best thing that could happen to them? ME!

I took an overnight trip to Washington DC this past weekend, on the way home last night I turned the radio off, and drove in silence. This gave me six solid hours of thinking time! Something that I have been way too busy to do lately. With St. Patrick's Day upon us, I think I would reflect on some of the things I thought about, and why I am so lucky!!

I have always said that I am not a "lucky" person...I never win raffles or the lottery... but I think that luck is just in how you look at it!

I speed...a lot...almost every time I am in the car.... I have never ::knocking on wood:: gotten a ticket! THAT is lucky!

I have amazing friends who know who I am. Who know what it looks like when I have a terrible day...and also what a great day is. They stand by me no matter what. One of which I have known for 11 years now...she is the reason that I went to was such an amazing day...this is how she put it...." There are only so many days in a persons' life that they can classify as 'perfect". It usually has nothing to do with the location...the's the people and the time you share." Yesterday was one of those "perfect" days for each of us! Having these people...makes me lucky!

My Mother is pretty gosh darn great! I know a lot of people who have terrible relationships with their parents...mine is wonderful!! Having her makes me lucky.

I participate in theater...schooling...Toastmasters...I volunteer....and am involved in a myriad of other activities.... I feel pretty well rounded....this makes me lucky.

I am in a stable relationship...and have been for almost six years...we rarely fight...we trust and love each other...everything a relationship is supposed to be...this makes me lucky too!

So many people focus on the negative things going on around them...I thought I would share the good today.....I also promise to blog more!